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I love a beautiful mountain overlook, catching a live band and learning all I can about the mindbody connection. I love asking big and juicy questions about life, and living into my highest self… then listening for life’s response.
And I love teaching anyone who will listen the simple, learnable and empowering mindbody tools so they can live their highest life too! To connect with more of what matters, to feel more at ease and alive in life.
I love sharing deep, meaningful connections and spending time with those who really know me.
Authentic connections, fulfillment, aliveness… Aah, this misty land of sun kissed rolling hills. How can that pay the bills or help me meet that deadline? Aren't I supposed to be "adulting" now? Can we really dare to hope to receive our deepest dreams? to actualize a whole life, our true self? Shouldn't I be grateful and satisfied with the aspects of my life that are going well, or well enough?
Good Questions It all starts with questions,
with asking for what we really want.
In the poem, A Great Wagon, Rumi describes love at first sight. What’s really important comes to the foreground. Everything else goes quiet,
falls away.
He advises, Don’t open the door to the study and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument. So often, after feeling inspired, our logical mind steps in to “talk some sense into us.” Responsibilities, messages about how we should be thankful and not expect too much out of life and other obstacles come to mind; Our inspiration fizzles and we put it away.
I ran across A Great Wagon after many years of “doing the right thing.” I honor the choices I made. Still, my longing for more in life was palpable, but I put it aside. I thought other things, other people were more important. I was fortunate and thankful for all I had. After a while my rationalizations no longer held up and I knew I was just living a fraction of the life that was possible for me. And giving from just a fraction of myself to those other important people.
This poem captures what I felt and something started waking up inside. I didn't know if or how, but I knew I wanted both, to take care of responsibilities and to respond to this yearning. And I knew my true life depended on going for it!
I began listening to the whispers of yearning, turning toward my dissatisfaction, and asking new questions - What if? Wouldn’t it be nice if?
I wonder how it can be possible for me?
Through this simple act of making space for the music my heart yearned to play, and by mindfully meeting the ache of this yearning, I received more than I even knew I could ask for! More than I even dared to dream for. I am thankful beyond measure. My heart rejoices and all I want to do is share this for others!
As a psychotherapist for over 25 years I've helped many people improve their lives, achieve their goals, enjoy more, and hurt less. Yet this new transformation process goes beyond the counseling container. We're making a journey from our head and listening more to the wisdom of our bodies and by doing so we can dissolve the dense pains, release the weight and contraction and create more space. More space to breath, to ground and center, more space for our True authentic selves, to receive and contribute and enjoy.
So much more is possible for our lives!
Sometimes our dreams and inspirations are fleeting. We may only sense them or not really even know what they are yet. Sometimes we just feel the void, the lack of something more inspiring, more fulfilling, more Us. Like finding our favorite song on a fuzzy old FM radio station, it can grate on our senses, We distract ourselves or just turn it off out of frustration.
So Hi! I’m glad you’re here. Mind and Body Studio is a place for holding space for learning and applying mindbody practices, so that you can receive more flow, harmony and joyful energy in your life... for planting the seeds of yearning so you can reap your heart's desire... so you can shift from over-efforting or autopilot to inviting, allowing and welcoming more and more of a life that lights you up!
B.S. Communications, Ithaca College, 1991
M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy, Hofstra University 1994
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist*
Clinical Fellow, American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy
National Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Safe Harbor,
EMDR Institute
American Holistic Health Association
Imago Therapy, Harville Hendrix, Phd
Solution-Focused Therapy, Bill O'Hanlon, MS
Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Paul Lounsbury, LMFT, Nancy Winston, LCSW
EMDR Basic, Dan Merlis, LCSW;
EMDR Advanced, Tracy Ryan Kidd, LCSW
EMDR Early Trauma Protocol, Sandra Paulsen PhD
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT), Sue Johnson, PhD
Gottman Couples Therapy, John Gottman, PhD and Julie Gottman, LMFT
Sex, Love and Pornography Addiction, Patrick Carnes, PhD
Brainspotting, Christine Ranck, PhD
Integrative Mental Health, Andrew Weil, MD and Associates
Holistic Nutrition, Mayuri Sobti, ND
Integrative Mental Health, Alice Lee, MD
Yoga and Mood, Amy Weintraub
EFT Tapping extensive self-study Brad Yates, Gary Craig
MindBody Medicine, Kim D'Eramo, DO
Social Worker, Family Therapist, Brooklyn Bureau of Community Service
Program Director, Child Sexual Abuse Treatment & Prevention Program,
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Mind Body Coordinator, Kaiser Permanente
Private Practice Psychotherapist, Alexandria, VA and Washington, DC
* Christine was licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist for 24 years. In keeping with the increasing impact she witnessed personally and professionally, Christine chose to fully focus her practice assisting clients with MindBody healing and expansion methods.
She now offers mentoring, coaching & educational programs with the intention of supporting the most joyful, fulfilling, high vibration living possible
for individuals and couples.
She created Mind & Body Studio with a focus on natural, learnable, mindbody wisdom rather than the disease model of the mental health field.
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